Wilton Cookie Cutter Christmas Set/12

Get ready for a delicious, winter celebration with this Standard Christmas Cookie Cutter Set. Great for using with sugar cookies or gingerbread, this 12-piece set of holiday cookie cutters features 12 cute holiday shapes: a snowman, gingerbread gi

rl, gingerbread boy, Christmas tree, snowflake, present, star, ornament, bell, candy cane, Santa hat and stocking cookie cutter. Made of metal, these cutters are easy to use and clean. They cut cleanly through your dough and maintain their shape even

after years of use. Try them out with your favorite homemade or store-bought cookie dough. These cutters also come in a giftable tub so you can treat your favorite baker to a set of new cookie cutters for Christmas!

  • Make cute and fun cook

    ies for any winter occasion with this Christmas cookie cutter set.
  • Use these holiday cookie cutters to make treats for a Christmas or winter celebration or a winter wedding or baby shower.
  • Great for gifting; comes in giftable tub

  • Great for use on roll-out cookie dough and gingerbread.
  • To prevent dough from sticking to your cookie cutter, dip cutters in flour before each cut.
  • Includes 12 cutters: a snowman, gingerbread girl, gingerbread boy, Chr

    istmas tree, snowflake, present, star, ornament, bell, candy cane, Santa hat and stocking cookie cutter.
  • Material: Colored metal for easy identification.
  • Hand wash cutters before first and after each use.
  • Weight 0,23 kg
    Dimensions 14,4 × 14,6 × 13,0 cm
    EU Representative NewCakes BV, Casablancaweg 20, 1047 HP, Amsterdam, NL, www.newcakes.nl