Silikomart Canelé Mould

High-quality silicone mould for making ice cream and semifreddo cakes.

With the Silikomart Canelé Mould you can make the famous French pastries yourself. Canelé de Bordeaux is a pastry from the region around Bordeaux and made for eggs, sugar, milk, butter and flour and then seasoned with rum and vanilla. With this mould you can make 8 treats at once.


This mould from Silikomart is suitable for the oven, refrigerator, blast chiller and dishwasher. The mould is suitable for temperature from -60°C (-76°F) up to +230°C (+446°F).


Size: 5,5 cm in dia x 5 cm.


Volume: 736 ml.

Weight 0,261 kg
Dimensions 2,0 × 40,0 × 5,0 cm