FunCakes Cupcake Box 12 – White pk/25

Transform your cupcakes into gifts with this handy cupcake box from FunCakes.

Transform your cupcakes into gifts with this handy cupcake box from FunCakes.

  • Provided with a transparent window.
  • Inserts included (mini cupcakes and cupcakes).
  • Suitable for 12 regular cupcakes or muffins or 24 mi

    ni cupcakes.
  • Size: 33 x 24 x 7,5 cm.
  • Content: 25 boxes and 25×2 inserts.
Weight 1,95 kg
Dimensions 37,1 × 33,0 × 11,0 cm
EU Representative NewCakes BV, Casablancaweg 20, 1047 HP, Amsterdam, NL,