Marvelous Molds Silicone Mold – Scrunch Ruffle Simpress®

Scrunched and petal ruffled cakes are one of the most requested wedding cake styles and frequently appear at the very best cake decorating competitions.

Historically, this has been a very labor intensive and somewhat difficult fondant cake

decoration to make, and as a result, many brides and customers looking for this style of cake decoration come up empty handed.

Now, professional cake decorators, hobbyists, and novices alike can use the Scrunch Ruffle Simpress® to transform fo

ndant, gumpaste, modeling chocolate and any other rolled icing into petal ruffled panels that can be used to cover a crumb coated cake in minutes.

The results are outstanding, and this innovative self trimming silicone mold promises to be a ga

me changer in the cake decorating industry.

What was once considered a costly, laborious cake decorating style, rarely seen on wedding cakes and special occasion cakes, can now be made in the same time as any other commonly used fondant cake d


Weight 0,14 kg
Dimensions 2,2 × 13,9 × 21,7 cm
EU Representative NewCakes BV, Casablancaweg 20, 1047 HP, Amsterdam, NL,